Had a charter today with two brothers up steelhead fishing. Cool guys. Still waiting for the schools of kings to show. Grinded it out...
Been very busy the last few weeks. Came home from Wrangell and had to hit the ground running. Fishing commercial hatchery openings as...
Getting Prepared
Grinding away in Wrangell on the Glory. Be splashed on Friday and then it’s the 20hr trip back to Craig to finish preparing for my...
Boat Work
Took the Glory, my commercial boat 120 miles to Wrangell to do some wood work on her with a master shipwright. I will still be on my...
Kids and Fishing
Big fan of kids fishing. Had a hearty crew this morning. My daughter and two girls we are caring for this weekend. Put a nice king in...
White Meat.
Was excited when I trolled up a nice halibut today. 3 minute boat ride from the harbor. I love living in Craig. Ended up with 1 king...
Great King Fishing
Yeah it’s not even Easter yet, but the freezer is filling up. Great fishing this morning. Had a blast with my buddy Jeremy getting...
More Kings
Yes it’s only March, but this is when I fish for my freezer. I do so much guiding and commercial fishing in the summer that I must...
Kings are showing up
Splashed the charter boat and poked around today. Found this nice 20lb king very close to town. Great looking marbled king that will...
It’s that time of the year again....
Held off as long as I could to go fishing this winter. Spent a good deal of time with family and did some hunting. Went to Ketchikan...