Late Start Fast Finish
Guys got stuck in Ketchikan. Didn't get in till 9am. Bounced around a bit, then grabbed a great limit of cohos. Big fish. Then went to...
Bent Rods
Lots of action. Near wide open coho bite this morning. Most caught less than 20ft below the boat. Then, tried a new halibut hole. It...
Cohos and Halibut
Had a half day charter today. Left at 11am. Big group. Cohos were easy. Limits in under two hours. We then anchored up along with the...
Now Booking 2018
Now booking group packages and day charters for 2018. I can run groups of two - four people. Come experience some of the best combo...
Kings are good!
As well as everything else! Wide open coho bite at times, getting 20 or 30 cohos in less than half an hour. Then off to get kings where...
Craig Alaska Fishing Report
It's hot. Very hot. Big kings, lots of cohos, and nice halibut. Every day is a great day.
Great Days
Fishing is just hot. This is the type of fishing that has made Craig, Alaska a top charter fishing destination. Easy limits of nice...
Hot fishing
Things got easy the last week or so. The coho swarm is definitely here. Kings are still around. Limits of kings and cohos before 9am....
Lots of Action
6 kings, 36 cohos, and 6 nice halibut. And one tired captain. It's not easy rolling out of bed at 3am, but being the first boat out...
Big Days
That time of the year has arrived. Limits of kings and cohos as well as everything else. Longer days as the coho fishing is best in the...